Whilst I've written substantially elsewhere on this website about my products, on this occasion there isn't a great deal to be said reguarding these damn fine Speaker Cables.
All I can say is back in the beginning at the end of 2019 I decided to add speaker cables to the range and since then have sold over a hundred variations to buyers all over the the world.
So with that in mind if you desire anything bespoke IE at a different length than whats on offer here or perhaps braided in one of Practical Patch's available Techflexs then please get in touch at info@practicalpatch.com or write to me on social media. FB Messenger preferred. I'm well aware I'm speaking to the pedalboard amp generation so if you need a big one then I'm your man!
Cable Description:
- Van Damme Black Series Speaker Cable, nice and flexible with a firm protextive jacket. This cable with Neutirk Connectors will last you a lifetime
- All Black and Gold Sleeve and Tip Neutrik NP2X-B or NP2RX-B and NJ3FC6BAG Female Locking Socket,
- Branded Black Practical Patch Heat Shrink Covers ST and RA Neutrik Assemblies
- Genuine Velcro cable tie provided