So some of you may have heard rumours of Practical Patch shipping chippy sauce…
What is chippy sauce I hear you ask! Well the recipe in the East Coast of Scotland is often kept a secret but what we do know is it's Gold Star brown sauce, watered down with… water! But there are some who think it’s water and vinegar. The truth will likely never be revealed and if I ever sell it again, I’ll leave the bottling to the professional friends that own a local chip shop!
What on earth does chippy sauce have to do with cables I hear you ask? Well nothing at all really but you’d be amazed how many times my customers in England have reminisce about trying it. Playing a gig in Edinburgh, being done for the night and getting a bit of grub afterwards brings back vivid memories of post gig suppers or a simple poke’eh’chips smothered in salt and the brown stuff! You won’t get the same on the West Coast of Scotland however, that’s the land of salt and vinegar!
But why Saucy Peat? Well the reason I like brown cables is they compliment my surroundings. I have a dark laminate flooring in my workshop as well as an old dark wooden tobacco cabinet and bureau... I'm also lucky enought when feeling flush to end the working day with a large pour of the bright brown sweetness that is Lagavulin!
So there it is, I hope for whatever reason this colourway evokes any good memories in yourself and if it doesn't, well, its going to look the part plugged into anything tweed or F-Type only on this occasion, made with much better connectors than you've splashed the cash on before!
Details below!
Cable Description:
- Van Damme XKE Pro Grade Instrument Cable, Lo-cap 90pf/M and Flexible - no snake oil here, Oxygen-Free tells you that the cable has been produced with the best copper for purpose. It means that this cable finished with Neutrik Ends sealing will not suffer due to the elements, therefore, no soldered connection will sever or for want of a better term "rust away" or degrade over time
- All Black and Gold Sleeve and Tip Neutrik NP2X-B or NP2RX-B, These are the most expensive connectors of Neutriks PX range. Gold does improve conductivity however the results are possibly negligible to the human ear. What genuine gold plating does offer is again, longevity, as moisture will not degrade the contacts
- Genuine Techflex Sleeving not just for looks but protecting your inner cables wires and making any knots or tangles extremely easy to separate
- Branded Black Practical Patch Heat Shrink Covers Neutrik Assemblies
- All instrument cables come with a genuine Velcro cable tie