Please Note: The gradient visible on the cable photographed on the white background is a quirk of my camera or photograhpy skills. To see the precise colour of the Jupiter Braid see image of 3m Jupiter on work bench :-)
Now then...
What on earth does a gas giant have to do with an instrument cable? Well it’s simple really, I’m doing everything in my power to avoid using the word beige! As I can’t come up with any decent Coco Chanel puns, then Jupiter it is!
Historically a popular colourway with customers, this creamy number over black has often attracted two types of players. Those that want a modern cable to match with their heritage instrument or tweed covered amps. But also by those who simply play at home and want to have something that matches their decor.
Are we really talking about decor in relation to a cable? We are indeed! I’ve literally received emails from specifically male customers telling me that "their wife really likes their new cable because it blends in with the carpet and the place looks less messy!"
So you heard it here first, your GAS can indeed receive a positive reaction from an onlooker! Onto the specs below! Please Remember, Practical Patch Branded Heat Shrink will be over the Neutrik Connectors. Over the cable pictured is the old ways from the dark times. Todays methods are far supperior to the old!
Cable Description:
- Van Damme XKE Pro Grade Instrument Cable, Lo-cap 90pf/M and Flexible - no snake oil here, Oxygen-Free tells you that the cable has been produced with the best copper for purpose. It means that this cable finished with Neutrik Ends sealing will not suffer due to the elements, therefore, no soldered connection will sever or for want of a better term "rust away" or degrade over time
- All Black and Gold Sleeve and Tip Neutrik NP2X-B or NP2RX-B, These are the most expensive connectors of Neutriks PX range. Gold does improve conductivity however the results are possibly negligible to the human ear. What genuine gold plating does offer is again, longevity, as moisture will not degrade the contacts
- Genuine Techflex Sleeving not just for looks but protecting your inner cables wires and making any knots or tangles extremely easy to separate
- Branded Black Practical Patch Heat Shrink Covers Neutrik Assemblies
- All instrument cables come with a genuine Velcro cable tie