The first time I laid eyes on this pine green Techflex, I was immediately teleported back in time to memories of trips in the car to the north of Scotland. Yes I should have been thinking about Kemper owners but once you’ve seen the breathtaking landscape up there, particularly when you get into the Cairngorm National Park or more importantly, can see the Dalwhinnie Distillery to the left of the A9 . You know you are in for a treat scenically and even more so if your on your way to Speyside!
So why an Italian name for a cable when I’m havering on about pine tress and the Highlands? Well, as far as powerful imagery goes. I always loved that moving picture, A Place Beyond the Pines... It’s a great watch, especially for fathers, and if I remember correctly, its a story of two parts. Just like this cable. So, with all this in mind I went in search of a word that could be used instead of Pine (from the movie) to describe any cable I would later produce with this particular Techflex…
Deluca, played by Ray Liotta, was the name I settled upon for this colourway.... but wait theres more and I’m sorry to say, that whilst I’ve been going on about beautiful scenery and wonderfully acted movies. On this occasion. I’m probably going to let the side down by admitting that the main reason I settled upin the name Deluca is because... all I heard in my head was this tremendous pun. “De Look a .... Green!”
I know, I’m a stereotypically Dad at this point but at this point I'm looking forward the inevitable and going to enjoy the journey there as best as I can, even if that means a few cheap jokes along the way!
Specs below, this one really is a belter and yes it will match your Kemper perfectly or indeed British Racing Green amp or cab. Remember, Practical Patch Branded Heat Shrink will be over the Neutrik Connectors. Over the cable as pictured is the old ways from the dark times. Todays methods are far supperior to the old!
Cable Description:
- Van Damme XKE Pro Grade Instrument Cable, Lo-cap 90pf/M and Flexible - no snake oil here, Oxygen-Free tells you that the cable has been produced with the best copper for purpose. It means that this cable finished with Neutrik Ends sealing will not suffer due to the elements, therefore, no soldered connection will sever or for want of a better term "rust away" or degrade over time
- All Black and Gold Sleeve and Tip Neutrik NP2X-B or NP2RX-B, These are the most expensive connectors of Neutriks PX range. Gold does improve conductivity however the results are possibly negligible to the human ear. What genuine gold plating does offer is again, longevity, as moisture will not degrade the contacts
- Genuine Techflex Sleeving not just for looks but protecting your inner cables wires and making any knots or tangles extremely easy to separate
- Branded Black Practical Patch Heat Shrink Covers Neutrik Assemblies
- All instrument cables come with a genuine Velcro cable tie